More Jensen

Here is another of Jensen's new photos. I can't get over how big he's getting. The other baby at church who's 15 months or so is actually smaller than Jensen! I can only imagine how confused he must be when he sees this tiny boy get up and run around! I bet he's wishing he could join the fun!
He is rolling over more now, and can stay up on his tummy for a long time before getting tired. He says "Momma" all the time, but is trying out his "f" and "oo" sounds. He still can't sit up by himself, but has begun doing "mini-crunches" to try to get up. Let's see, what else...when he is placed into a sitting position, he can stay there for a good while with some help for balance, and can even balance on his own for a few seconds here and there. And, his two teeth are totally through and he now is trying to grab for the spoon when we feed him! Sometimes it's hard to get the spoon back because he likes to bite it. He is becoming his own little person more and more each day!
As for me, I've started training to be a storyteller as part of a new Children and Worship program at church. I'm also starting to throw out ideas on how we may be able to draw more families and trying to follow through on one at a time as the ideas get approved or dismissed from the proper committees. I'm also starting to help our VBS director get geared up for this year's event.
At home, I'm trying to work on the computer scoring tests, but it is going slower than I had intended and I'm not getting in as many hours as I would like. Avon is barely existent. I'm going to have to start taking it more seriously if I'm going to make any money this way, so I've started looking as business cards and a window sticker that aren't too expensive.
Finally, I've decided to give the child modeling world another try, now that Jensen is a little older and we can really tell that he's truly easygoing and happy all the time. I've got my list of agents together and am going to create my own 8x10 comp card collages to send out.
And, that's what's going on with that Jensen is older, and I've had more time to recover, I feel like I'm getting my energy back. I don't exactly bounce out of bed, but I've been trying to walk a few times a week, and we've been making more of an effort to eat more healthy and go to sleep earlier. I guess it's starting to show a positive effect!
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