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Monday, October 08, 2007


Another day, another waiting game.

We did the walking thing...went to TJ Maxx, Target, and Babies R Us. Sheesh, am I tired. My back started to ache again, but this time, I think it was just all the walking.

I'm hoping labor may be close, tho. I think I got my nesting urge and I cleaned the kids' room. I'm actually not quite done, but it's a lot better. I also think it's possible that baby sensed I wasn't quite ready, but he's been really active the last few hours, so maybe he's gearing up to make an appearance.

However, if he STILL doesn't show, we'll be heading to the hospital for that other sonogram tomorrow.

I still, even tho I am very uncomfortable, would like to wait a few more days before being induced. Since they weren't able to be totally 100% on his conception date, and what they said actually didn't match with my journal, I think he may still be right on time if he comes this week. We'll see what happpens.


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