My soapbox

I had been spending the morning researching insurance possibilities for Michael and Jensen, when I had a conversation with an independent insurance and estate planning consultant. He mentioned that we should really start looking at life insurance just in case. As the talk continued and I gave him more information about our situation, he told me that some companies wouldn't let me be the beneficiary of a life insurance policy for Michael because we aren't married. I had honestly not even considered that possibility.
So, if we've ever talked, you know that I had to deal with both my parents dying young and having to figure out how to close their estate. After my conversation today with this representative, there is even more to do than I thought.
My message to you is this: plan your estate. Even if you're 29, single and have no kids. Plan for the unexpected. Understand that what you have may not even be released to your family or loved ones if you don't put your wishes in writing and make sure someone knows where that writing is.
Of course, it's even more important if you have a significant other, child, or pet (yes, pet) that you know you want to have taken care of if you're not around. I'm not advocating any particular company or person, I just want you to find out what your rights are in your individual situation and the steps you need to take to make your your wishes are carried out if the unthinkable happens.
Finding out today that even if Michael would have to shop around more just for a company that would allow me to receive the benefits just struck a nerve and I don't want to go through the helplessness I felt with my parents. I didn't even know that my mom had bank accounts in several places, or that my dad still had ibm stock when things happened. And having to contact all of those places is hard enough, but having to explain the situation a million times and prove who you are is not any fun. I know it could be even worse if Michael doesn't get a will together that specifies that we have a relationship. Otherwise, according to the legal system, we're nothing to each other.
So, if we've ever talked, you know that I had to deal with both my parents dying young and having to figure out how to close their estate. After my conversation today with this representative, there is even more to do than I thought.
My message to you is this: plan your estate. Even if you're 29, single and have no kids. Plan for the unexpected. Understand that what you have may not even be released to your family or loved ones if you don't put your wishes in writing and make sure someone knows where that writing is.
Of course, it's even more important if you have a significant other, child, or pet (yes, pet) that you know you want to have taken care of if you're not around. I'm not advocating any particular company or person, I just want you to find out what your rights are in your individual situation and the steps you need to take to make your your wishes are carried out if the unthinkable happens.
Finding out today that even if Michael would have to shop around more just for a company that would allow me to receive the benefits just struck a nerve and I don't want to go through the helplessness I felt with my parents. I didn't even know that my mom had bank accounts in several places, or that my dad still had ibm stock when things happened. And having to contact all of those places is hard enough, but having to explain the situation a million times and prove who you are is not any fun. I know it could be even worse if Michael doesn't get a will together that specifies that we have a relationship. Otherwise, according to the legal system, we're nothing to each other.
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