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Monday, October 23, 2006

But everybody's doing it...

Aye, it is Monday AGAIN. What is UP with that?? Anyhoo, it comes after a somewhat strange weekend, so I'll tell ya 'bout it.

On Friday, Michael and I drove to Jersey to go to his daughter's school festival, for which she had told us that "everyone" was going in costume and we simply had to dress up or we would be left out.

SO, we went as a team. Celine and I were matching cheerleaders for Michael's football player (natch). Um, yeah, so were were the ONLY adults dressed up (including the teachers...). Grreat, jjuuuust great. Oh well. We'll probably get our pictures in the yearbook. :)

Then, on Saturday, we met with the realty place and the owner of the condo we're supposed to move into in about a week. The lady living there has had a bit of a panic attack and had decided, with no preamble, no warning, that she's not going to move out until the 10th. Sigh.

On the up side, we've figured out what to so with the expanse that is our new bedroom. We had argued over a library, a sitting area and a second entertainment unit. Finally, we decided to create a small gym and get a treadmill to help us reach our personal fitness goals. (We're also going shopping for bikes, but that's a different story.)

School is okay, but I am so completely tired all the time. Blah. And I thought, you know, since I'm here at all ungodly hours, that I may as well get paid for it. Therefore, I have applied to work the afterschool program for some extra buckaroos. Hell, I rarely leave before 5 anyhow.

So, that's wazzup. Hope everyone is okay. I miss ya'll.