Time flies

It is hard to believe this shot was taken only about 6 weeks ago! Jensen is growing and evolving at such a rapid pace!
He is now rolling over and back with hardly any effort. He is doing his crunches every day, and I bet will be sitting up on his own quite soon.
He also has a developing sense of humor, meaning that everything, and I mean everything, is hysterically funny. It's FANTASTIC! All I have to do is look at him and breathe loudly, and I am rewarded with cascades of baby giggles.
He makes me smiles hundreds of times each day, sometimes even when I'm not in his room. I sneak up near his door and when he thinks he's alone, he babbles to himself. Well, either that, or he's talking to the animals on his mobile. Sometimes I think I can ever hear certain words, but mostly is sounds like yadda yadda yadda.....wait, I DO say that!! He's a genius!
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