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Friday, June 12, 2009

Where to update next?

Wondering if I should try to continue updating all of the micro-blogging sites and still post here. The jury's still out, but I've noticed that the updates here are becoming fewer and farther in between.

I'm working on getting back into college to finish my Master's, and the process should be finished soon. I've already had an advising appointment, so the rest of the work is essentially a formality. But I'm working on it already, because I want make sure I'm allowed to register in July.

Besides that, I am gearing up for Shelby to come visit in July. It's going to be great, but also a challenge, because that also marks the time when Michael will be at wrestling camps full time. I'll have Shelby and Jensen by myself most of the time she's here.

Jensen is growing exponentially, and I found out today that at 20 months, he can hold his own body weight and swing like a monkey. He's so strong! It's also obvious to me that he's learning quickly. It was only a couple of weeks ago that he would get frustrated trying to put together one of his puzzles. Now we mix up the pieces to all 4 of them and he can put all of the pieces where they go in a matter of minutes.

He just got his first trike, and since it's been rainy outside, he's been practicing his riding skills around the living room. We've decided to start safety early, and he brings me his helmet throughout the day to practice putting it on and off. (It's sized for a 3 year old, btw....)

He is full of energy, and it's hard to keep up with him all day. Lots of times I resort to still napping with him. I am looking forward to having him sleep the whole night in his crib, starting at a decent hour. Right now he fights tooth and nail to stay up later, and since during the day I still can't leave him alone in a room, even for a couple of mintues, without him climbing something, it's a struggle to get time to get things done that need any true amount of focus on my part.

However, being with him is a fantastic gift, and I am so glad that I am getting to see all of these developments as they happen. It will be too soon before I am overwhelmed with trying to work and finish my classes, so I'm trying to enjoy the time with him while I'm fortunate enough to have it.