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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Merge carefully

It is a wondrous thing how people become part of each other's lives. When I first met Michael back in September, I had not even the slightest twinge of any forethought that he would totally and completely change my life.

It's been just barely more than a month, and already he is integrated into my daily life. This was especially apparent to me last night when he stayed at work a little later than usual and didn't call at the same time he always does. I wasn't mad, but I immediately noticed the change, and, unlike my previous nature to do whatever it was I was going to do, actually sat and waited by the phone for it to ring.

Sometimes, being in love with him makes me feel crazy.

At this point, we are both anxious to "start" the time we have together, and it is getting harder and harder to be at home without him there. Even though we see each other at school, we still talk on the phone about an hour every night (sometimes more) and it still isn't until we're both falling asleep that we finally resolve to hang up.

There have been things that needed to be discussed for this relationship to go well, but for the most part, I think we've tackled the big ticket items. Since then, I have been continually amazed at how easy this is with him. It's never been this way for me. We spend a lot of time together in a stressful environment and have to work around both of our crazy schedules, but no relationship I've ever been in has felt like it took so little effort.


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