
Okay, so I know, all mommies think their baby is THE cutest, as they should. Of course, I think Jensen is the best thing ever...and so others could admire his cuteness, I decided to submit his photos to a baby modeling agency here in NYC.
Lo and behold, I am not the only one who thinks this kid is adorable! He got past the first round and they want to see him in person at an "invitation only" open call in 2 weeks. Now, even though I'm excited, I also realize that that doesn't mean he's signed yet, and that even if he did get signed, he may not ever even get a paying gig. But, it's a fun thing to do for now and I'm interested to see where it goes. Right now, it's only one agency, but if they say no, I've already been inspired to put together packets to send to others just to see what happens.