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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Almost all clear

Got back from my appointment. From the initial exam, it appears that all is well. We'll be more certain (whew!) after the results from the tests come back in about 2 weeks.

Michael is such a doll. I can't even believe how lucky I am to have him in my life. He is totally bewildered by "my generation" with all of our blogging and digitizing everything. I had told him I was blogging, but he just didn't understand the whole mess of just putting it all out there....("You mean anybody could read it? Anybody?!?) He pointed out that "we" are a lot more open with all of our personal lives and he doesn't really understand that mentality. But that's okay...I'm not expecting anyone to be into everything that I'm into. However, I didn't want him to be concerned that I was plastering the internet with naughty photos (especially since they don't exist) and figured it was about time he actually saw the blog.

So, I showed him.

Hahah. Now that he knows that I've been getting online and gushing about how fantastic he is, he's a bit more comfortable with the whole idea. And, in his "I have to do everything and do it to the utmost" attitude, he has gone from "What's a blog?" to "Hey, I could use this to ...market my consulting business/community fitness center/fitness college/after school program AND communicate with friends..." in about 30 seconds flat.

Besides that, I've been doing research for a paper in my lit class...."The dichotemy between the femme fatale and the happy housewife." my prof is really into this whole idea that classic American literary heroes shift from this kind of pansy-like existence to the need to go "back into the wild frontier" and find their "inner hunter." I thought it would be interesting to explore that idea from the female perspective and analyze characters that find their "inner huntresses" by creating another identity for themselves (in contrast to the need to go into the forest). So far, I'm using Sydney Bristow from Alias (of course!), Catwoman, Charly (from The Long Kiss Goodnight) Maggie (from The Point of No Return) and some real-life spy sagas that I haven't quite nailed down yet. Anyway, comments/ideas on this theme would be helpful (especially since said paper is due in a week or so).

Okay, time to go....I've been doing research to pass the time waiting for my honey to get out of football practice, and it's finally time to close up shop.


At 10:54 AM, Blogger Amy said...

1. Whew! I'm glad you are all clear, and I'm sure your later results will be good too.

2. You are too damn cute with all this gushiness.

3. Would Mata Hari be appropriate for your paper? She was a hot female spy. I think I may have a book on a young woman who was a spy during the American Revolution, if you need it.

4. Cuddle with the girls for me.

Much love,


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