It was a full weekend. On Saturday, we were all busy, and Celine didn't feel so well, so Michael took her to grandpa's for R n' R and to allow me to work without interruption. Just after he had phoned to get the all clear signal to go home, I noticed little spots on the carpet, which grew to full pawprints tracking something all over the apartment. They hadn't been there just 2 minutes earlier, so I followed them all around to find my tiger cat, Raja, dripping blood from his back paw. After a tiny bit of hysterics from me and a lot from him (he jumped out of my arms and down my back not once, but twice, tracking blood all over me) Michael arrived and helped me wrap his paw in paper towels and secure it with packing tape. Then, we all jumped in the Jeep and took him to the animal emergency room. He had somehow (we still don't know how) split open the space
in between his toes! The doctor took him in and told us we could pick him up Monday.
Since it was still relatively early, and nothing we could do for Raja to make him feel better
(the doctor actually said it was a "very common" injury and he sees it all the time) we decided to still go and get out new clothes for our photo shoot.
We went to the mall early Sunday morning and had our hair and makeup done. Then, there was the shoot. It was all very exciting and glamorous, and in the end we literally had more than 100 photos to chose from. At the viewing, the consultant said that the average session had about 50 photos, but that ours apparently were going so well, the photographer decided to continue. It was so fun chosing the photos we'll use for Christmas! The hard copies are expected back in about 10 days, around the same time my baby will have to go get his stitches out.
Things are still getting in order at the condo. The treadmill arrived, and it is super fun. Between this and no soda, I may be in a smaller size before Christmas (however, if that doesn't happen, that would be just fine, too.)