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Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I am so ready for school to end. There are only about 14 days left, and it is going soooo slow! Tomorrow is a "professional development day," so there are no kids coming, but the administration is planning to "professionally develop" us using all day workshops. Blah.

Besides that, I am working on grades, as they are due tomorrow, and trying to get some things done around the house in between grading sessions.

This morning I got dressed and was ready to leave the house, only to find out that my shoes shrunk! I wore flip-flops today and will have to set out soon to find out how many of my pairs of shoes still fit me. Hopefully some of this experience is just swelling and will decrease after I have the baby and lose the weight.

Okay, time to go. I'm going to try making homemade meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner tonight.


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