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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Like a bee

Boy, are we busy!

Friday, I went for my 3 hour Blood Glucose Tolerance Test. The staff there was really good, and despite all of my doctor's insistence about being a "hard stick," both of the phlebotomists were able to get blood with just one stick per hour.

Saturday was meetings, meetings, meetings. First was a vacation Bible school meeting for our camp that starts tomorrow. Then, travel to Manhattan. Next, counseling in the morning, then a stop for lunch, then Celine's class from 2-3:30. Back to Queens, and shopping after that. Lots of walking, lots of talking.

It would have been nice to be able to sleep after that. Unfortunately my hip is continually feeling like it's being pulled out of joint, and that includes while I'm in bed. I woke up 4 or 5 times, trying desperately to be kinda sorta comfortable and not getting anywhere close. Finally, at around 2, I caved to the pain and went and took a Tylenol and a hot bath.

This morning contined the busy-ness. We went to church, followed up with our VBS director, had a quick lunch and went home and changed clothes, then met friends for a get-together.

Tomorrow starts VBS. Michael is leading games, and I am leading the closing gathering. Then, back to the house for chores and baby preparation. I am still feeling overwhelmed, but the things I've been doing the last 2 days are starting to show, and it is starting to inspire me to do more. The laundry UPstairs is almost done. Then I can move on to all the stuff that somehow got put downstairs in the living room. (I think that came from all of us attempting to unpack suitcases in the living room-I can't figure out why else 3 baskets of dirty laundry made their way into the room and stairwell...)

Oh, and I can't forget-thanks to Cat, who sent me the cutest hooded baby towel (ooh, turtles!) and a giftcard to Target (always appreciated!)

Finally, Janice, if you're reading this, I'll fax your rec papers tomorrow.


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