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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Still adjusting

Things are going well.

Jensen had his first big day out Sunday. We went to church, where he was dubbed the "prayed for baby." As it happens, Michael had been keeping our church family aware of the progress of my labor. Most knew I had gone in on Friday afternoon, so Sunday morning, they were expecting an announcement of the new arrival. When the pastor instead revealed that Jensen still hadn't come out yet, they said a prayer together. That was at 11:10 Sunday morning. One minute later in our hospital OR, Jensen was delivered. He was quite the hit at church, as many of the congregants feel like they were, in a special way, involved in his coming into the world.

After that we went for a quick shopping trip to get a gift for Michael's dad, who turned 90 this weekend. We stopped at home to regroup for a bit, then headed to the party, where Jensen again stole the show. He was quickly passed around from person to person, all of whom were newly introduced relatives. It was great to see how much they accepted the baby and there were lots of promises of keeping in touch and future visits.

Yesterday was kind of a bust. I think all of the excitement from the day before threw Jensen off, and he was fussy and didn't want to sleep most of the day. Last night at 10:30 I finally strapped him into his car seat (Michael had taken the car for work, so it wasn't possible to do this too much earlier) and took Jen for a ride around the neighborhood. We got home at around 11, and he slept soundly until 3 am.

Today it looks like things are closer to the "schedule" than before, and he's already taking what I hope will be the first of several naps.

Besides that, I am very excited that I'll be welcoming Conner to NYC this weekend. YAY!


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