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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Control journal

As part of flylady's steps, I have put together a notebook for myself to help keep things going. She calls this a Control Journal. When I was first looking at the steps, I thought there were only 4, and I thought, "This isn't so hard." Hahaha.


Um, yeah, there are 19 steps. It does take a long time. However, I've been working on it on and off all weekend, and, except for my evacuation plan, I am all done.

So, what's in this book, you might wonder. Well, I'll tell you. My steps may not be completely in her order, but my book is done now, so I guess it doesn't matter how I retell it.

For myself, first I had to figure out what needed to be done during the course of the week. This may sound simple, but it's harder than I thought it would be. Then, I had to decide exactly what was going to be done each day to get it all done.

Another thing she has us do is to create routines for ourselves, morning, after work, and bedtime. This keeps the day going and, over time, will keep things from building up and getting out of control again. However, I am still working 15 or more (usually about 45) on decluttering every day. Things are getting better, one babystep at a time.

However, it is now Sunday night, and however much I might not want to go to work tomorrow, that is something I still have to get up and face tomorrow. I kind of just wanted to see it in print that I am actually accomplishing some of the things I've set out to do.


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