
The last few days have been totally cool. Yesterday, Michael and I went to Babies R Us and ordered the crib and dresser for Jensen's nursery, paid for in part by a gift card sent from Amykat. In that respect, it was fun to feel like a girlfriend was kind of in on the deal.
We're still thinking about a glider, but it feels really good to have the major components on the way. The crib is a lifetime crib, meaning that it will later convert into a toddler bed and finally change again into a regular full sized bed when he needs it.
Then, today was great! Michael got together with some of our co-workers from school and threw me a surprise baby shower! I was completely shocked! Our friends were amazingly generous, and we got a ton of stuff for the baby. Gifts included a bottle warmer, a bath set, an entire set of sports-themed crib bedding and a scrapbook. They also had someone (it wasn't signed, and no one fessed up at the party) paint a congratulations poster with an adorable picture of a baby. It's so cute we're actually going to have it framed and put it in the nursery. (When I can get it, I'll post a photo for all to see!)
This was added to the wonderful and beautiful box of goodies that Conner sent not long ago. Not only did she send a ton of clothes, but also a really helpful list of other things that I'll need to have to help when the baby comes home.
It's so sweet that so many people have taken an interest in our building a family. The further along I get, the more I really feel like I am surrounded by a huge circle of love and comfort. Even though I'm nervous, under it all, I know everything is going to be fine.