No fun

Today was J's second doctor's appointment, for his 2-month checkup. He is doing beautifully, ranking in the 95th percentile for weight AND height. He's now 13.8 lbs and 25 inches long.
Unfortunately, the second checkup also begins the dreaded year-long round of initial vaccinations. He had two today, and I am not looking forward to any others. Not only did he scream the most pathetic, heart-wrenching little cry, he was also fussy and unhappy the whole rest of the day. It's awful to hear him so upset and know that there was nothing I could do about it, and, in fact, aided "them" in doing "it" to him. To be perfectly honest, I knew what was coming and made Michael be the "bad guy." And, kudos to him, he also was the major factor in getting Baby J to settle down later. Both are now totally passed out asleep, leaving Momma to peace and quiet.
Onto to happier many people have said how beautiful Jensen is, which we all know to be totally true, although I may be a bit biased. So, we're going to find out just how biased I am. If the weather isn't horrific tomorrow (we're scheduled to get hit by a N'oreaster) we're going to the mall to take J to see Santa (for which he will wear-what else-his Santa suit!) and have his first round of baby pics taken, as well as our first family photo. After those come back, I'm going to select the best ones, as well as some casual shots, and send them to a few modeling agencies that work with babies. It's really just for fun, and I realise that everyone thinks their baby is adorable. However, I also realise that with the way commerical advertising works (residuals, residuals, residuals!) it's possible that if he only got a couple of ads, it would be possible to have college paid for before he even finished kindergarten. So, no pressure, just keeping fingers crossed for luck. As you can see, he's very easy going.

He loves his baths and tries to eat the bubbles. If we don't lay him back so he can "float" he starts to get fussy. We call this (above) "going stealth." It is one of his favorite activities! (Don't worry, we are very careful! Michael is in the tub with him, holding his head and Michael never goes in the "big tub" with J unless I'm nearby, just in case.)
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