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Monday, December 17, 2007


Yaawwn. I was up last night until about 3, then came and took a nap until J woke up at 5, then went back to sleep until he woke again at around 6:30. From there, I was up all day, even though I did lay down for a little bit while he napped. Therefore, I am quite tired and about to crawl under the covers. The good news is that for all of my discomfort being exhausted today, it seems that I have successfully reset my sleeping rhythms and I took advantage of being awake by doing the following:

*took a bath (as opposed to a 5 minute shower)
*put on makeup and clean clothes
*snuggled Lena
*snuggled Jensen
*read him The Velveteen Rabbit, the uncut version (was very emotional-what a great story to revisit at Christmas!)
*showed him flash card of colors and shapes (no pressure, just for fun)
*hung the new curtains for my bedroom
*did laundry
*changed my sheets and made the bed
*made a healthy dinner
*watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
*received J's swing at the door and lugged it up the stairs
*unpacked my suitcase (um, yeah, from Thanksgiving)
*started setting up "my" office in the bedroom
*gathered and taped all of the many, many catalogs floating around my house

And now I am going to bed. A day's work well done, I say.


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